What our clients have to say…
Supported Independence has helped us!
Service User
The company is really good, the service and support is really good too - thank you. The staff are really friendly and professional. Without Supported Independence providing me with a flat, it would have been almost impossible for me to get a flat in the community.
The level of support we get is tailored to our needs. Without this high level of support we would really struggle. Supported Independence helps us to succeed by giving us the support and extra confidence we need to fully participate in the activities we love and like. Staff are also very helpful and friendly and by understanding our needs and goals help us to achieve a wide range of independence skills eg cooking, budget management, tenancy management, living and getting on with others, finding work, pursuing interests and activities like DJ ing,
Gym, IT, Music and Sport etc. . Well done, keep up the good work.
MT has lived at Westbury House for more than 8 years. He loves writing and reciting short stories and poetry, and often makes the admin team at Head Office laugh when he stops by to share one of his witty jokes.
Recently, MT was given a guitar (donated to the company) and has impressed everyone with his musical talent.”
WARNING! Video contains bad language
Double P
Double P" has been supported by us off and on over the past three years and during this time he has developed his current rap musical style. Double P writes colourful and powerful lyrics based on his past experiences and the challenges that life has thrown at him. The link above is to a music video which was produced and made by Double P with the help and of his support staff.

I would like to thank all your staff for the dedication and support you gave to C. and her mum in the time your team were working with her. I know it was difficult due to C.’s high risk needs. Your team contributed to supporting C. in the community in a positive way and our thanks to you for all your dedicated work.
January 14, 2017

[Our] family just wanted to say thank you to… everyone [in your team] for your ongoing support of my brother D. Your involvement and input in his life has probably been the most positive he has ever had! D. is a lovely man, however, his learning difficulties cause him many problems and insecurities that require ongoing monitoring and management. The support he has received over the years has been sketchy and inconsistent – until recently that is!…You have gone above and beyond to try and support and understand D.’s needs and personality. Believe me, that’s no mean feat! You have persevered with him and been very patient. Also you’ve never given up on him and that’s what we’re most grateful for. Your support gives him the stability and routine he so badly needs. So again thank you… you are very special people who do a very challenging job, above and beyond the call of duty!
Service user

Dear staff - …I hate saying thank you, because it is so hard to explain how grateful I am. I feel like I couldn’t be more different from how I was when I moved in, and it’s been really helpful to have all your support – so thank you endlessly.